In February of 2019, the City of Pierce was awarded Downtown Revitalization CDBG funding in the amount of $445,000. $400,000 of the awarded amount will be used to go towards the costs of the removal of Architectural Barriers for Senior Citizens and disabled persons which includes the construction of new sidewalks, new off street parking, and the installation of new pedestrian lighting along Brown Street from Nebraska to Court Street. The remaining $45,000 will go towards construction management, and water and sewer improvements. This project will also consist of new concrete paving of the two blocks, and water and sewer main improvements. The total cost of the Brown Street project is $1,039,030.60. A&R Construction out of Plainview, NE was awarded the bid for the project. Construction is scheduled to take place after the 150th Celebration festivities in July 2021.
Please celebrate our 150th celebration with us June 25-July 4, 2021!!
City of Pierce
106 S. 1st St.
Pierce, NE 68767